Sponsor from Taiwan co-working space - CLBC

Posted on Thu 11 December 2014 in sponsors

This was originally posted on blogger here.

So many people and organizations supported PyCon APAC/TW 2014, but today we want to highlight all of the help that came from CLBC Coworking Space in Taiwan.

In 2013, CLBC Coworking Space, the first company in Taiwan that officially joined the Coworking Visa Union, started their business in the Da An district. They now provide a comfortable working environment at an affordable price for more than 100 teams, and have already supported more than 800 activities. CLBC has created a perfect breeding ground where new teams can grow into robust businesses.

CLBC made a big contribution to PyCon APAC/TW 2014 by offering a wonderful coaching area and free coffee to all guests, giving everyone a chance to take a break and meet new friends. A comfortable place to talk usually leads to great new ideas.

In fact, the team that created PyCon APAC/TW 2014 actually started in CLBC! All of the brainstorms, plans, and discussions flourished thanks to them, so they truly made it all possible.

PyCon APAC/TW 2014 wants to take this opportunity to show our gratitude to CLBC for their strong support and sponsorship this year. We look forward to even greater contributions in Taiwan and across Asia together.

To learn more about CLBC, just visit their website: http://clbc.tw/

In preparation for PyCon APAC/TW 2015, we have started seeking opportunities for cooperation across different industries. Interested in lending a hand? Please join us to make our community in Taiwan even better!


#pyconapac2015 Waiting for you
PyCon APAC 2015 Website: https://tw.pycon.org/

[PyCon APAC 2015 每週一推]

PyCon APAC/TW 2014,也有許多夥伴用不同的形式幫助我們。以下是目前在台灣經營共用工作空間「CLBC慶隆商社」 的介紹:


「CLBC慶隆商社」為台灣第一家正式加入 Coworking Visa 聯盟的共用工作空間。2013年正式於台北市大安區營運後,已提供超過100個團隊進駐,並有超過800個大大小小的活動在此空間竄流。透過舒適的空間與經濟實惠的方案,為台北市注入許多創新的活水,更為創業的團隊提供分享與合作的溫床。

在今年 PyCon APAC/TW 2014 的活動現場,「CLBC慶隆商社」也沒有缺席。在現場特別設置了舒適的沙發區及提供免費的咖啡,讓親臨現場的每位嘉賓能夠在中場休息的寶貴時間,有歇息聊天的空間。可別小看這幾張沙發,原本塞在腦中的 idea 就在這10-20分鐘的談天說地中慢慢發酵,讓參與者能夠有更多機會認識彼此,將更多能量激發出來!

偷偷告訴大家,PyCon APAC/TW 2014 的籌備小組,也都是在「CLBC慶隆商社」的空間中將所有活動相關事務從無到有,慢慢開枝散葉。在這樣優質的空間中發想、討論、分工合作完成這個不簡單的任務!

PyCon APAC/TW 2014 非常謝謝「CLBC慶隆商社」今年的鼎力支持與贊助,讓我們一起為科技在台灣甚至在亞洲,提供更多的鼓勵與推動。

更多有關CLBC,歡迎參考: http://clbc.tw/


2015年的PyCon APAC/TW 2015 正在密集籌備中,我們正在徵求各個領域與產業的合作夥伴。只要您有興趣,歡迎與我們一同創造台灣在科技領域上更多的可能!

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