認識 Keynote Speaker #1 : Carol Willing

Posted on Thu 09 March 2017 in programs

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Carol Willing


Carol Willing is a Director of the Python Software Foundation, a core developer for Project Jupyter, and a Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

She's also Geek-In-Residence at Fab Lab San Diego and co-organizes PyLadies San Diego and San Diego Python. She's an active contributor to open source projects, a maintainer for OpenHatch and the Anita Borg Institute's open source projects. Combining a love of nature, the arts, and math with a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke and an MS in Management from MIT, she's enjoyed creating and teaching others for over 20 years.

She recently spoke at PyCon US 2016, PyCon Philippines 2016, Write/Speak/Code 2016, SciPy 2016, and PyData Carolinas 2016.


Education, Contributor Onboarding (temporarily)




經常總會聽到 Carol Naslund Willing 說:「這真是太酷了。它是如何運作的?好希望學習到更多有關的事物。」 她熱愛開發軟體,目前為 PSF (Python Software Foundation) 基金會理事之一 、 Project Jupyter 的核心開發人員與加州理工大學聖路易斯奧比斯 ( Cal Poly San Luis Obispo) 的軟體研究工程師。她活躍於開源專案的共同開發,並且維護像是 OpenHatch 與 Anita Brog Institute 的開源專案。

與人之間的經驗使我有了這樣感觸:「用你所學,使事情更好,並且與人分享。」Caril Willing 這樣說的。

Carol Willing 對學習和分享充滿熱情。最近的演講包括 PyCon US 2016,PyData Carolinas 2016,PyCon Philippines 2016。

Carol Naslund Willing can frequently be heard saying “That’s so cool. How does it work? I would love to learn more about it.”She has enjoyed developing software and is a Director of the Python Software Foundation, a core developer for Project Jupyter, and a Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She’s an active contributor to open source projects, a maintainer for OpenHatch and the Anita Borg Institute’s open source projects. My experiences with people have taught me to “use what you have learned to make something better and share with others”.Recent lectures include PyCon US 2016, PyData Carolinas 2016, PyCon Philippines 2016.


  1. Github, https://github.com/willingc
  2. 個人網站, http://willingconsulting.com/
  3. PyConUS 2016, https://us.pycon.org/2016/speaker/profile/423/
  4. PyData 2016, http://pydata.org/carolinas2016/speaker/profile/116/
  5. PSF, https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2016#carol-willing

Fab Lab

Fab Lab 是一個公有空間,讓人們能在裡面一起集結,凝聚想法與夢想並付諸實現的地方。關於 Fab Lab 的完整定義可以在 MIT 的 Bits and Atoms 中心找到:http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/faq/。這次的 keynote speaker 之一,我們邀請到美國聖地牙哥的 Fab Lab 參與者 Carol Willing。作為一個軟體工程師,她熱衷於 Python,是 PSF (Python Software Foundation) 基金會理事之一 。但也同時是 Fab Lab 的愛好者。她也曾專文撰寫過什麼是 Fab lab(https://willingconsulting.com/whats-a-fab-lab/)。快點進去探探究竟吧!

Jupyter Hub

假如您使用過 Python, 應該或多或少聽過或是實際使用過 Jupyter notebook (也就是 IPython notebook 的繼承者),而 JupyterHub (https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub) 是基於 Jupyter notebook 的延伸,它能讓原本只能操作於單一個人的 Jupyter notebook 擴充到讓多位使用者同時線上操作,而且提供更簡單的方式來管理這些基於單一使用者的 Jupyter notebook 們。應用上,無論是一班學生或是資料科學的團隊,都能以更方便的方式使用建構在伺服器上的 Jupyter notebook。無論是 Jupyter notebook 或者 Jupyter Hub 都是 Project Jupyter (http://jupyter.org/) 的一員,而本次我們邀請的 keynote speaker 之一,Carol Willing,就是 Project Jupyter 的核心開發人員喔!一起到她的 Github (https://github.com/willingc) 來逛逛吧!