Ask Me Anything live streaming event this Saturday (March 26th 2022)

Posted on Thu 24 March 2022 in announcement

This was originally posted on blogger here.

(中文在下方 Mandarin below)

Live Streaming Youtube Link Youtube 直播連結。

PyCon Taiwan organizing team hosts PyCon APAC 2022 this year. The organizing team will invite some of the members of the proposal reviewer committee in the past to ASK ME ANYTHING live streaming.
Please feel free to submit your questions via this Slido page prior to the event, or join the corresponding Discord text/audio channel of Python Taiwan Discord to ask your questions interactively online by then. Questions regarding submitting proposals to PyCon APAC 2022 are more than welcome.
Event time: 3/26 (Sat.) 21:00 (GMT+8)
Where: #pycon-tw-live-event text and audio channel of Python Taiwan DiscordFacebook and Youtube will broadcast the live streaming signals by then
Submit your questions to this Slido page.
The questions from slido will be seen and picked first. We will try our best to take care of the questions from the other platforms but may lost some of them for limited man power of volunteers and event duration. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.

台灣 Python 年會籌備團隊今年承辦 PyCon APAC 2022. 籌備團隊將邀請數位過往擔任過審稿委員的夥伴,進行 Ask Me Anything 直播活動。
歡迎在活動前經由 這個 Slido 頁面 提交您在活動中想要問的問題,或是事前或當天加入 Python 台灣 discord 伺服器中對應的文字語音頻道 直接與委員們對談。關於 PyCon APAC 2022 相關的投稿問題特別歡迎!請盡量提出各種問題!
時間:3/26 (Sat.) 21:00 (GMT+8)
地點:Python 台灣 discord 伺服器 中的 #pycon-tw-live-event 文字與語音頻道同時段 FacebookYoutube 也會進行直播訊號聯播
請注意在 Slido 上的問題會優先被回答,其次是 discord #pycon-tw-live-event 頻道中的即時問題。其他聯播平台我們會盡力藉由有限的志工夥伴協助下,盡量替您發問,也希望屆時您能體諒有限的人力與時間下,您的問題或許不會被問到。