PyCon APAC 2022 on Gather.Town

Posted on Sun 26 March 2023 in online-conference • Tagged with en, PyCon APAC 2022

PyCon APAC 2022 Monopoly Last year (2022), PyCon Taiwan hosted PyCon APAC for the third time. Due to global epidemic situation, we chose holding PyCon APAC 2022 remotely via Gather.Town. It’s the second time we used Gather.Town to build the conference. We found that Gather.Town kept updating the interface and features, and created lots of friendly example maps for newcomers. In this article, we would introduce the events of PyCon APAC 2022 in the following.

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PyCon APAC 2022 Financial Report

Posted on Mon 20 February 2023 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon APAC 2022

PyCon APAC 2022 Financial Report

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銀級贊助商 - Reuven Lerner - An intro to Python bytecodes

Posted on Mon 29 August 2022 in sponsors • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

One of the most common myths that I encounter in my corporate training is that Python is an interpreted language. It's not really surprising that people believe that -- after all, Python is often referred to as a "scripting" language, and often has the …

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白金級贊助商 - PyCon APAC 2022 x 國泰金控 Gather Town活動搶先預告 技術短講&人才諮詢&限量好禮我全都要!

Posted on Sun 28 August 2022 in sponsors • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.



國泰金 …

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白金級贊助商 - 美光智慧製造,加速全球半導體產業發展

Posted on Thu 25 August 2022 in sponsors • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

美光於 2014 年底開始採用大數據技術。利用新的智慧製造技術,美光全球營運 (Micron Global Operations) 團隊能部署複雜的半 …

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Call for Sprint Project Leaders. Apply before July 20th 2022

Posted on Wed 06 July 2022 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Do you want to invite more people to join the project you're developing?

Bring your #OpenSource #Python project and lead the Sprint development!

Apply before July 20th via this form.

More info of the sprint:

Time:09:30 ~ 17:00, 14th, Aug. Sunday …

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PyCon APAC 2022 Financial Aid 財務補助開跑!

Posted on Wed 25 May 2022 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Financial Aid, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon APAC 2022 is opening applications for the Financial Aid program!PyCon APAC 2022 財務補助開跑!

Whilst following the Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy, we also provide a

financial aid program to help friends in the community, financially or …

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Ask Me Anything live streaming event this Saturday (March 26th 2022)

Posted on Thu 24 March 2022 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

(中文在下方 Mandarin below)

Live Streaming Youtube Link Youtube 直播連結。

PyCon Taiwan organizing team hosts PyCon APAC 2022 this year. The organizing team will invite some of the members of the proposal reviewer …

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PyCon APAC 2022 CfP is Open!

Posted on Tue 01 March 2022 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Calls for Proposals, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

(Mandarin Below)

The CfP for PyCon APAC 2022 is OPEN now!

PyCon APAC 2022 will be held in Gather Town and on Youtube fully remote on Sep. 3-4.

There will be a different conference style this year, so look out for future updates …

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PyCon APAC and PyCon Taiwan

Posted on Mon 28 February 2022 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2022

This was originally posted on blogger here.

What is PyCon APAC?

Python Conference APAC (PyCon APAC) is authorized by Python Software Foundation, PSF, and organized by the Python community in APAC.

PyCon APAC is held once a year. It started in Singapore in 2010, moved to Japan in 2013. In …

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