PyConTW 2016 in Taiwan - Save the Date

Posted on Sat 31 October 2015 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyConTW 2016 will be held on June 3-5 (Friday to Sunday) at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan.



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10 Things You Don't want to miss at PyCon APAC 2015

Posted on Thu 04 June 2015 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

This week, PyCon Asia-Pacific 2015 will be held on June 5-7 (Friday to Sunday) at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. We know you're all looking forward to the main theme “Back to _future_ II.” We’d like to show you 10 things you …

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Posted on Wed 03 June 2015 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, community, PyLadies, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.


PyLadies是一個全球性的組織,目前已有30個國家都各自獨立發起這個組織。除了鼓勵女性朋友認識Python,分享學習Python的經驗外,我們也希望可以讓女工程師在職 …

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PyCon APAC 自造RFID讀卡機,快速完成會議報到系統

Posted on Mon 01 June 2015 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

最近只要聽到自造者(Self-Maker),許多人的眼睛就亮了!可以寫變出機器人、家用電視盒,接上感測器可以馬上偵測 …

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PyCon APAC 2015 即將於 6 月在台盛大舉行,你準備好了嗎?

Posted on Tue 26 May 2015 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

亞太區的 Python 年度盛會,PyCon APAC 2015 將於 6 月在台盛大舉行

PyCon 為 Python 社群年度大會,扮演推動亞太區域 Python 社群成 …

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PyCon APAC 2015 Registration is ready, Let's Back to __future__ II !

Posted on Tue 07 April 2015 in registration • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Ladies and gentleman, Are you ready? Let's welcome to the BIG DAY:we are going to start our Early Bird ticket sales today!

Make sure you're ready to buy the cheapest and limited group ticket. Just invite your friends and buy the group …

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PyCon APAC 2015 徵稿延長到 3/31 日,需要大家一起和我們為知識的分享貢獻一份心力

Posted on Thu 26 March 2015 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Calls for Proposals, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon APAC 2015 徵稿到目前也一個多月了,我們決定繼續加碼,延長到 3/31 日以得到更多人的支持。請各位同好,賭 …

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你以為PyCon APAC/TW 2015只有這樣,來聽聽主席怎麼說。

Posted on Tue 17 February 2015 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, chair, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

今年亞太區最大的Python盛會,PyCon APAC 2015即將在台灣舉辦,你已經畫好行事曆了嗎?

在每年的籌備工作中,最需要的靈魂人物就是主席 …

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訪問 PyCon APAC 2015 設計總監 - Mimi

Posted on Wed 11 February 2015 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, design, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

這次PyCon APAC 2015的整體設計風格, 我們特別嘗試了與以往不同的風格, 呼應 電影 - 回到未來2 的電影場境中回到 2015探索未來, PyCon APAC 2015 更希 …

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PyCon Asia-Pacific 2015 in Taiwan - Save the Date

Posted on Wed 04 February 2015 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Calls for Proposals, PyCon APAC 2015

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Asia-Pacific 2015 will be held on June 5-7 (Friday to Sunday) at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. A one-day Sprint event will take place following the conference on June 8th. The date and time of tutorials will be announced soon.


Tutorials …

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