PySafe is Delivered

Posted on Thu 30 September 2021 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2021

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Thank many of our volunteers for packaging and dispatching so many PySafe boxes. Please pay attention if you purchased your ticket with PySafe. It will soon ring the door bell of your house!! For our friends overseas, the shipment will take longer time …

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Let’s Eat with PyCon TW

Posted on Tue 28 September 2021 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2021

This was originally posted on blogger here.

The upcoming PyCon TW is on October 2nd and 3rd! 🤩

It was exciting to chat with new friends at lunch time.

Due to COVID-19, PyCon TW 2021 will be held online. Instead of chatting face to face, the participants can interact with others …

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Posted on Sun 26 September 2021 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2021

This was originally posted on blogger here.

10 月 2、3 日就是眾所期待的 PyCon TW 會期了!🤩

往年大家在會期的午餐期間,都可以拿著美味餐盒和身邊的會 …

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台灣 Python 年會迎接第十年 首次線上形式舉辦 精彩議程搶先看

Posted on Tue 21 September 2021 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2021

This was originally posted on blogger here.

台灣 Python 社群一年一度的盛會— Python 年會( PyCon TW )將於 10 月 2、3 日舉行。今年正好迎向第十年,不但有從史上最多 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2021 財務補助 Financial Aid

Posted on Fri 30 April 2021 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Financial Aid, PyCon TW 2021

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Taiwan 2021 is opening applications for the Financial Aid program!
PyCon Taiwan 2021 財務補助開跑!

Whilst following the Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy, we also provide a
financial aid program to help friends in the community, financially or …

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如何成為 Python 軟體基金會基本會員

Posted on Tue 23 March 2021 in tutoiral • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PSF

This was originally posted on blogger here.

我們在前一篇提到為什麼要加入 Python 軟體基金會( Python Software Foundation,PSF )的基本會員,接下來我們要來說明如何提出申 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2020 Financial Aid

Posted on Mon 06 April 2020 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Financial Aid, PyCon TW 2020

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Taiwan 2020 is opening application for the Financial Aid program!

PyCon Taiwan 2020 財務補助開跑!

Whilst following the Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy, we also provide a
financial aid program to help friends in the community, financially or …

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What's New in PyCon Taiwan 2020

Posted on Mon 30 March 2020 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2020

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Taiwan 2020 有什麼新玩意?



今年除了希望能夠加強在濁水溪 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2020 CfP is Open !

Posted on Sun 08 March 2020 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Calls for Proposals, Conference, PyCon TW 2020

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Taiwan 2020 CfP 3/1 正式徵稿!

稿件分為演講 (Talk) 及專業課程 (Tutorial) ,可使用語言為:中文、英文、台語

我們接受泛 Python 相關 …

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Visiting Group in PyCon JP 2019

Posted on Mon 07 October 2019 in visiting group • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon JP 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon is a platform for Python users to get together for Python. This year, people affiliated with PyCon TW formed a visiting group to attend PyCon JP. It’s the first international outreach from PyCon TW, and a great opportunity for us to …

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