PyCon Taiwan 2024 財務補助 Financial Aid

Posted on Mon 03 June 2024 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw, financial-support, PyCon TW 2024

PyCon Taiwan 2024 財務補助申請指南
我們非常歡迎對 PyCon Taiwan 有熱誠的參加朋友,因此我們推出了財務補助方案,盡我們最大的能力盡可能地提供幫助,以下是詳細的申請說明,希望你能快速了解並申請順利!

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行為準則 Code of Conduct

Posted on Thu 07 March 2024 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw

PyCon Taiwan 致力於為所有人提供無騷擾的會議體驗(包含數位場域),我們不容許以任何形式騷擾任何參與者、不容許任何的騷擾和性別歧視、種族主義或排他性笑話。本公約適用於參與者在 PyCon Taiwan 相關場域中的一切言行,期望大家一起合作。

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PyCon Taiwan 2024 Call for Proposals is OPEN!

Posted on Wed 28 February 2024 in programs • Tagged with Calls for Proposals, PyCon TW 2024, legacy-blogger

PyCon TW 2024 Call for Proposal
PyCon TW 2024 has opened its Call for Proposals, inviting submissions on Python-related topics until April 8, 2024, for their event on September 21-22 at the National Science and Technology Museum.

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PyCon TW 2023 Financial Report

Posted on Tue 06 February 2024 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon TW 2023

PyCon TW 2023 Financial Report

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PyCon Taiwan 2023 贊助商 國泰金控 Cathay Financial Holdings

Posted on Thu 23 November 2023 in sponsors • Tagged with zh-tw


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PyCon Taiwan 2023 贊助商行前招呼

Posted on Fri 25 August 2023 in sponsors • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon TW 2023

2023 年白金級與金級贊助商在大會前向會眾打招呼!

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PyCon Taiwan 2023 議程總覽 Program Overview

Posted on Fri 25 August 2023 in programs • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon TW 2023

PyCon Taiwan 2023 將回歸實體年會!趕快來看看今年會有哪些活動及議程!
PyCon Taiwan 2023 is returning as an in-person conference! Come take a look at this year's lineup of activities and sessions!

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PyCon APAC 2022 on Gather.Town

Posted on Sun 26 March 2023 in online-conference • Tagged with en, PyCon APAC 2022

PyCon APAC 2022 Monopoly Last year (2022), PyCon Taiwan hosted PyCon APAC for the third time. Due to global epidemic situation, we chose holding PyCon APAC 2022 remotely via Gather.Town. It’s the second time we used Gather.Town to build the conference. We found that Gather.Town kept updating the interface and features, and created lots of friendly example maps for newcomers. In this article, we would introduce the events of PyCon APAC 2022 in the following.

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PyCon APAC 2022 Financial Report

Posted on Mon 20 February 2023 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon APAC 2022

PyCon APAC 2022 Financial Report

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PyCon Taiwan 從 Blogger 搬到 GitHub 上囉~

Posted on Mon 09 January 2023 in announcement • Tagged with zh-tw, en, PyCon TW 2023

PyCon Taiwan 的部落格正式由 Blogger 搬到 GitHub / 上囉!

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