認識 Keynote Speaker #2 : 林軒田

Posted on Thu 09 March 2017 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, keynote, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

林軒田(HT Lin)


林軒田畢業與台大資工系爾後在美國加州理工學院取得碩士與博士學位。博士畢業 …

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認識 Keynote Speaker #1 : Carol Willing

Posted on Thu 09 March 2017 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, keynote, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Carol Willing


Carol Willing is a Director of the Python Software Foundation, a core developer for Project Jupyter, and a Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.

She's also Geek-In-Residence at Fab Lab San Diego and co-organizes PyLadies …

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Python人物誌:「茫茫大海中發掘默默貢獻的你!」 - PyHUG Host Jeff

Posted on Fri 30 December 2016 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, community, PyHUG, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

受訪者: Jeff 訪問: Ming 日期: 2016/11/29

這次的専訪,我們邀請到 PyHUG Host Jeff ,
向我們聊 …

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Python人物誌:「希望能協助初學者順利融入社群,把社群改變得更好。」- 鐘子屏

Posted on Tue 29 November 2016 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

受訪者 : 鐘子屏 主持/撰稿人: Sharon & Mike 日期:2016/11/23


SW:Python人物誌,茫茫大海中發掘默默貢獻的你!這次的専訪,我們邀請到 …

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Posted on Sun 06 November 2016 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

訪問人: 周沫凡 主持/撰稿人: Mike 日期:2016/11/6


Mike: Python人物誌,茫茫大海中發掘默默貢獻的你!很高興這次的專 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2016 圓滿結束

Posted on Tue 07 June 2016 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

文:PyCon Taiwan 2016 攝影:PyCon Taiwan 2016 攝影組

一年一度的 PyCon Taiwan 順利落幕了



也謝謝促 …

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Kaohsiung.py 聊聊-社群共同創辦人 Victor 專訪

Posted on Sat 28 May 2016 in interview • Tagged with community, legacy-blogger, Kaohsinug.py, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

文:PyCon Taiwan 2016 攝影:Ming

南部地區的 Python 愛好者們, 你們 Kaohsiung.py 了嗎?

隨著 Python 的流行,台灣各地都有在地化的 Python 社群,

位 …

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Welcome To PyCon Taiwan 2016

Posted on Tue 17 May 2016 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

From marr weblog

English version below


謹代表籌備團隊,歡迎所有朋友蒞臨台灣 Python 年會,有您的參與和付出,我們才 …

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參與年會: 程式員提昇自學能力的絕佳管道

Posted on Thu 28 April 2016 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

寫程式是為了解決問題,但,程式本身就是個問題。好的程式語言,應該要能讓你專注在原始問題上;好的程 …

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Taichung.py 聊聊-社群共同創辦人唐元亮老師専訪

Posted on Mon 28 March 2016 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, community, Taichung.py, PyCon TW 2016

This was originally posted on blogger here.

文:PyCon Taiwan 2016 攝影:Sharon Wang


1月初,有幸來到台中參加 Taichung.py 聚會,會後和唐老師小聊了 Taichung.py 的故事;在中部地區的 …

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