Visiting Group in PyCon JP 2019

Posted on Mon 07 October 2019 in visiting group • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon JP 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon is a platform for Python users to get together for Python. This year, people affiliated with PyCon TW formed a visiting group to attend PyCon JP. It’s the first international outreach from PyCon TW, and a great opportunity for us to …

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PyCon Taiwan 2019 Registration is Open!

Posted on Tue 30 July 2019 in registration • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

2019 台灣 Python 年會門票 7/31 開賣! 需要向公司申請報帳的會眾, 請購買企業票; 如果公司多位同事要一起參加 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2019 Financial Aid

Posted on Thu 27 June 2019 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Financial Aid, PyCon TW 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon Taiwan 2019 財務補助開跑!

Financial Aid program in PyCon Taiwan 2019 is opening application!

本著 Everyone Contributes / Everyone Pays policy 的同時,今年的 PyCon Taiwan 也和往年一樣,也懷著 …

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Postponement Announcement: May 20 CFP Acceptance Announcement

Posted on Tue 21 May 2019 in programs • Tagged with legacy-blogger, Calls for Proposals, PyCon TW 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Dear proposal submitters,


We are sorry to delay the announcement of accepted proposals.

不好意思,原訂於 5/20 要公告的初步錄取稿件名 …

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PyCon Taiwan Fanatic Application

Posted on Sun 31 March 2019 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2019

This was originally posted on blogger here.

Are You a PyCon Animal? #MyPyCon

Share You PyCon Memories and Get Your #PyConTW2019 Fanatic Tickets!

你是 PyCon 派對動物嗎? 你是 Python 鐵粉嗎?

分享你的熱血回憶, 取得 #PyConTW2019 鐵粉 …

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PyCon Taiwan 2018 Prior Notification

Posted on Wed 30 May 2018 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2018

This was originally posted on blogger here.

(English version is available after Chinese version)

台灣 Python 年會將在 6/1 揭開序幕,很高興能在 PyConTW 2018 看到你! 我們特別整理了一些實用資訊 …

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前進的路上, 感謝有你同行

Posted on Thu 10 May 2018 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2018

This was originally posted on blogger here.

"你知道嗎... 是怎樣誕生的?"

"十年前的 Python 社群聚會是怎樣的面貌?"

"哪些公司大力鼓勵員工參加 Python 年會 …

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Are You Experienced ?

Posted on Sat 21 April 2018 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2018

This was originally posted on blogger here.

If you can just get your mind together
Then come on across to me
We'll hold hands, and then we'll watch the sunrise
From the bottom of the sea

But first, are you experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have
The …

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PyCon Taiwan 2017 Briefing

Posted on Thu 15 June 2017 in announcement • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here.

PyCon 又叫做 Python 年會,本質是同好的年度聚會。台灣年會 (PyCon Taiwan) 從 2012 起,每年都有不同層面的成長,那麼,今年到底 …

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Python 人物誌:R-Ladies Taipei Host - Yen

Posted on Fri 17 March 2017 in interview • Tagged with legacy-blogger, PyCon TW 2017

This was originally posted on blogger here

訪問人: Yen 主持/撰稿人: Zonghan 日期:2017/03/06

關於 R 與 Python

Zonghan:妳本身是以 R 做分析的,請問是在什麼樣的情況下會 …

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